Technical SEO: How to increase your rankings by technical optimizing your website

Technical SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be extremely competitive. Therefore, to gain an edge over competitors, it is important to implement measures to improve your SEO rankings. There are a variety of ways to do this. However, since technical SEO issues can play a critical role in lowering the rankings of your website, the ideal way to avoid this problem is to focus on improving your technical SEO. Here’s more on how to do this.

Check the Crawlability of Your Site

It is of vital importance to make sure that search engines can crawl all the target pages or important resources on your website. An ideal way to make your website crawlable is to improve its architecture. A good website architecture will ensure that the most important pages on the site are easy to find. It is also important to consider mobile web crawling because a large percentage of searches are mobile-driven. That is, find a way to validate the mobile crawlability of your website. Some technical SEO tools you can use to make this happen include page-level mobile validators and SEO-targeted log analyzers.

Optimize Your Crawl Budget

Crawl budget refers to the number of your site’s pages that search engines can crawl within a given period. Google assigns crawl budgets to every domain being crawled. Usually, the amount of page rank your site has will determine the crawl budget. If you have a low page rank, it might take longer for Google to get to the deeper pages on your site. For this reason, you have to find a way to increase your crawl budget. To do this, you can do away with duplicate pages, which involves getting rid of canonical URLs. You can also prevent the indexation of pages that lack SEO value such as terms and conditions, and privacy policies pages. Other ways to optimize your crawl budget is to fix broken links and update your sitemap regularly.

Check Page Indexing

Ensure the important pages on your website can be indexed. This is because some of these pages could be mistakenly blocked from Google. When checking page indexing, focus on areas such as the index status and site and URL errors. Your index status report should indicate an increase in your page count over time. Reviewing your URL and site error reports will enable you to locate any problems. The number of pages on your website being indexed by the search engines has to be proportional largely to the total number of pages on the website. This doesn’t include the pages you don’t want to be indexed. If you identify a relatively large gap, you will have to review the disallowed pages.

Optimize Your Site Speed

Site speed is a critical factor when it comes to site ranking. Therefore, making your site speedier, that is, ensuring your pages load faster, is a key aspect to have in mind when doing a technical SEO audit. To optimize site speed, you can clean up your code and use speed testing tools.

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